7th november 2008! only 3 days after what for me is the most exiting day of my life,America Elect’s Barack Obama as there next President, so thats all the talk on this journey btw me shane, and driver dj le Rouge….a man for all the people? well at least nearly 200 million in the USA and millions around the world think so! at long last, a shinning torch of hope and promise of Change. only three weeks ago the worlds finance system looked like it was gonna crumble!
and now, the prospect of real change! an opportunity maybe to wipe the slate and start again (The Real Revolution).
all the crap our so called leaders have been doing ( esp over the last decade)….and now.. a chance for world unity.
Unlike most people’s predictions,i believe Barack Obama will do a quick job of fixing the problems…sure! he’s got a heavy task ahead, but has the support of the people on an un-presidented scale.i felt i had the support of the people @ the Cube on the 7th nov, playing to a full hse of listeners and supporters, knowing that for the next two hours they will come on a journey! our journey through sound, text and visual.
Needless to say tonight’s performance is dedicated to the new President Elect! i’m thinking right now how Jazz has transformed my life in so many ways, meeting many people from around the world…forging long and lasting relationships,getting a perspective of the world though a jazz lens. Before we hit the stage i challenge shane (who has taken up boxing) to a sparring match..he’s much younger and faster than me but i’m hangin in there! he’s moving around like a whippet…i can’t get a fix on him..ding..ding!….he’s saved by the the bell! its show time… i’m out of breath and have to start the set! solo voice.
its one of those gigs where there are no direct monitors only out front speakers,so the ears have to work much harder so i can project the right vocal sound.Two great musicians in the house! my special guest Corey Mwamba and Dennis Rollins, Vibes And Trombone Respectively.There is a spirit of celebration in the Cube to night!
Oh! by the way, did i mention Barack Obama is the first Black President?