WatkissNet | The new home of Cleveland Watkiss online


Cleveland has a keen interest in Teaching and Education.

“Its my personal understanding that given the right kind of encouragement we can all Sing!

Singing is not learned, its a gift we’re given.

Sometimes that gift may get suppressed through bad teaching or discouraging words.

My job is to give you keys to unlock the song within you“…Cleveland Watkiss

The programmes he has delivered to date include:

  • Vocal Master Classes in various Universities and Schools.
  • Private voice coach delivering weekly vocal workshops at Stoke Newington Secondary School; Upton Park 6 in the East End of London; Weekend Arts College (WAC); BBC Brighton Southeast, Southhampton Turner Sims Concert Hall, Roundhouse Camden, London; Serious; Cultural Olympiad Staff.
  • Working with secondary school students as a facilitator and vocal coach in conjunction with the Hackney Empire with their Artist Development Programmes (ADP)
  • Designer of the vocal curriculum at WAC (weekend arts college) for there BA Students.
  • Presented ‘a Night at the Oscars’ which is a musical created by the students and facilitated by Cleveland at the Hackney Empire.

He also recently led a very successful workshop for Singup.com (the UK Government’s initiative to get singing back into schools) on their pilot scheme at The Sage Gateshead.

Master Classes

Scheme of work:

Cleveland offers Workshops and Master Classes

Vocal Improvisation for singers, poets, rappers, public speakers, Companies, Organisations.


Classes are for all stages: Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced and all age groups!

Vocal Master Class:

  1. Introduction - usually with a short live performance.
  2. CW philosophy of  singing.
  3. Different ways to warm up.
  4. Discussion on posture, breathing, projection.
  5. Ear training
  6. Songs and Structures - ways in which to generate melody and lyrical ideas.
  7. Techniques for unlocking and freeing the voice
  8. Group improvisation.
  9. Composing techniques, solo voice singing,
  10. Diet and health for singers
  11. Learning how to control nerves
  12. Group improvisations.

For information and bookings contact Watkiss Enterprises . Email: .